Hello! I’m Keith and I am a little obsessed with design. I clearly remember being little and telling my parents I wanted to "be the guy who comes up with things and makes them!". Naturally my interest slowly became a passion and now I'm proud to say that in 2022 I graduated from UNSW with Industrial Design Honours and already have over a year of diverse work experience.
I am well equipped to take on new challenges in the field of industrial design. My background includes a variety of side projects and freelance opportunities, which have given me the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge.  I am particularly adept at quickly learning and applying new skills across different projects, a trait that has served me well in my previous endeavours.
Industrial Design to me is more than just making arbitrary objects. I like to think whatever I make gives as much as it takes from our world. One of my greatest passions is using design to create impactful and user-cantered products that improve people’s lives.
I am constantly seeking ways to foster innovation and promote sustainability in my work, and I believe that these principles are essential to creating products that are not only functional, but also meaningful. I really admire the work of the people around me and constantly try to learn from them. In addition to my technical skills, I am also an effective collaborator and team player.
I have a solution-oriented approach, which enables me to effectively work with cross-functional teams to overcome complex problems. I can communicate my ideas and designs clearly and effectively, and I am always open to feedback and suggestions to improve my work.

When I'm not toiling away designing and creating, I spend time outdoors. I enjoy hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing and ski touring. These activities are like my mediation and often I discover my best ideas while doing them. 
I hope you enjoy exploring my page and if you wish to contact me, please find my connections below. 
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